For many years now we have seen our families, lives and society fall apart and become more and more controlled by the Powerful
forces at the top.
The human Spirit is being crushed by Chemicals and automation.
Our Children are suffering due to our exhaustion and lack of time to spend with them.
Our Constitution is being ignored, slandered and used to better the interest of those who want to control our freedom and
pretend that we are free.
Everyone please get up and shout as loud as you can.
Our Children and Families need us all to take a stand and protect our Sovereignty before we loose forever.
Time to make some real changes.
Lets Rock!!!
Angel Femia-Richmond:
I was borne in Cabbagetown, at St. Michael's Hospital in 1953 in Toronto and raised in Durham Region.
I have both formal education and life education. I believe that no one could possibly have answers without all forms of education.
Schooling is very important but life teaches more and gets the point through much better due to the experiences we are given
to endure. I believe that how we deal with our hardships learn and come through is what builds our characters and makes us
better people.
I was educated partially in Durham region ( elementary schools: St. Bernard's, St. Theresa's , St. John's and high school:
Anderson C.V.I.) more education in Toronto ( The City Adult Learning Center, S.E.E.D. Finally with Dr. Paul F. Daniel at the
College of Metaphysics in Clearwater Florida.
I am an ordained Minister in:
The Church of The Universe
The Church of Spiritual Humanism
as well
Ordained High Priestess of:
The Temple of Wicca
Other Careers:
Deputy Clerk and Bailiff of The Small Claims Court, Durham, Musician, Writer for The Toronto Street News and more, Director
and C.E.O. Of LoveCry The Street Kid's Organization, Outreach Worker, Holistic Psychotherapist, Drug Abuse and Abuse Chancellor.
I returned to Toronto in 1981, was homeless and found over 1,000 Children living on the Streets. We together dreamed and planned
out LoveCry, a non-profit company that helps Street Kid get off the streets, research the issues from abuse, find proper therapy
that works, and finally to open an advocacy, outreach, healing center for all abused and street kids. The Company, LoveCry
was registered as a non-profit in 1992. Now in 2007 LoveCry on a very small scale is now the Dream Healing Center but we need
to expand to do what is best for all the Children.
I am from the days when freedom was real and Democracy was respected. Today we are loosing all the things we cherish so deeply,
such as freedom and sovereignty, to apathy and comfortability.
I feel our leaders today are only in this for themselves and they need to be replaced with people who care for all of us.
Web Sites for more info:

What I Believe
All are equal and all belief systems have equal importance to Humanity.
Thus meaning that we all have an equal place on this planet. Each to travel upon different roads all leading to the same end
and thus beginning.
There is equal importance in all beliefs and that Our Creator is known under many names all being the same.
Sex is earthly {a part of the material world given to us to use to create and heal each other}. Our Creator, not being earth
bound nor in a physical body is a much higher being than us who still have the needs of the Psychical realm. Therefore sex
becomes a very important part of our realm and has only a place within our creator to give to us as a physical gift to be
used in a sacred manner. Neither Female nor Male is of greater importance and our creator is all.
We are living within this realm to learn, learning takes growth, growth takes pain, strength comes from the endurance oaf
life's pains and gentleness comes from life's loves.
Our greatest lessons will be Unconditional Love and Forgiveness.
Forgiveness will be the key to Unconditional Love.
Love Is The True Healer!